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Do you ever feel that you’re not quite sure who you really are? Do you find yourself constantly trying to fit into a certain mold or meet other people’s expectations? It’s not uncommon to feel this way, especially in today’s fast-paced and often overwhelming world. However, journaling can help you meet your dreams halfway and let you live an authentic life.

Journaling – What Does It Mean?

Journaling is the act of regularly writing down your thoughts, experiences, and feelings in a notebook or other type of journal. It may seem like a simple and even mundane activity, but the act of putting pen to paper can have profound effects on your psyche and well-being.

Advantages of Journaling

Process Your Emotions

One of the major benefits of journaling is that it allows you to explore and process your emotions. By writing about your experiences, you can better understand your thoughts and feelings and begin to identify patterns and triggers. This self-awareness can aid you in making more intentional choices in your life and improve your relationships with others.

Understand Goals

Journaling can also help you clarify your values and goals. By reflecting on your beliefs and priorities, you can gain a clearer sense of what truly matters to you and what you want to achieve in life. It can be especially valuable if you feel stuck or unsure about your direction.

Connection with The Authentic Self

But perhaps the most powerful aspect of journaling is the way it can help you connect with your authentic self. When you write in a journal, you are free to be completely honest and authentic with yourself. You don’t have to worry about how others might perceive you or whether you’re meeting certain expectations. Instead, you can explore your true thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

Turning into A Better Self

Over time, this practice of honest self-reflection can help you build a stronger sense of self and become more confident in your own skin. You may discover new interests, passions, and goals that align with your true self rather than what you thought you “should” be interested in. You may also become more comfortable expressing your true self to others, which can lead to more authentic and fulfilling relationships.

How to Start?

If you’re new to journaling, it can be helpful to start small. Set aside just 5-10 minutes each day to write about whatever is on your mind. You can write about your day, emotions, goals, or anything else that comes to mind. As you become comfortable with the practice, you may find that you want to write for longer periods or incorporate different types of journaling prompts.


Journaling is a powerful tool for discovering your authentic self and living a more fulfilling life. You can build greater self-awareness and confidence by exploring your emotions, clarifying your values and goals, and connecting with your true self. So why not give it a try? Grab a pen and paper, and start writing your way to a more authentic you.


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